'They don't think it be like it is, but it do.' - Oscar Gamble
Shorten it to tdtiblii.bid, then say it like 'Tud-Tib-Lee-Dot-Bid'.
This service can provide your IP address programatically in a number of formats.
You can try several different flavors of tdtiblii.bid over HTTP or HTTPS:
Sample URL: | Response Type: | Output: |
http://tdtiblii.bid | plain text string | |
https://tdtiblii.bid/json | https JSON | {"ip":""} |
https://tdtiblii.bid/jsonp | https JSONP | callback({"ip":""}); |
https://tdtiblii.bid/jsonp/getip | https JSONP | getip({"ip":""}); |
tdtiblii.bid runs dual-stack, IPv4 and IPv6.
You can specify an Internet Protocol version by using 4.tdtiblii.bid or 6.tdtiblii.bid.
*This site has no affiliation with Oscar Gamble, I just think his quote is neat.